Thursday, October 25, 2012

food for thought...

 YES Siobhan is now eating solids!!!!! the basic, for now like stewed apple, custard, banana, farex. I just love watching her discover food and how happy she becomes when it touches her mouth sometimes shrieking with joy!! cant wait to soon move onto vegetables for her and steam them and mash them creating the perfect texture for her. soon we will have homegrown apples to be able to stew up.

Spring sure is a time to notice the the blooming flowers and all their beauty. These fresh flowers from my in-laws are a constant reminder of spring and I admire them each time I walk past them.
 The vase happens to be one I thrifted last week with Tom's mum, dont think you can ever have enough vases!

Another thrifty find was this mini typewriter that took my fancy, it also happens to be a pencil sharpener! I would never have guessed that it had another use and didn't discover this until I got it home and had a closer look!

The three of us just before we headed off to my sister in-laws cocktail birthday party we really enjoyed the night and Siobhan was so good sleeping for a lot of it, she was of course the star of the night with lots of cuddles with everyone!

Here Siobhan and I are enjoying the Wynyard Tulips when they were in full bloom, what an amazing job the producers of these do. The photo doesn't do the col ours justice as they were so bright and breathtaking in real life. We could have stared at them for hours, but the cold wind that day did put a stop to that, we jumped back in the car after an admiration! We were very excited for Siobhan as it was her first Tulip sighting and we wondered what must it have looked like to her :)

                  we hope you enjoyed the little blog entry for today! Thought I would leave you with a pic of Siobhan and the tulips! She is now 5 months old today :) today i stood and baked a bananarama cake topped with cream cheese frosting and  sliced walnuts! I will call it Siobhans 5 month celebration cake, why not!!!

                          Till next blog
                               Kate xxxx


  1. I love the precious photos of you and your family, Kate! It's pure sweetness! Thanks for popping over for a visit--I've missed seeing you! xo Jennifer

  2. Gorgeous blog kate. My baby girl is growing so fast. X
